Our Mission

We will honor SSGT Taylor Hoover, all 13 service men and women killed in Kabul on August 26, 2021, and all our service men and women. We will uphold the values of honor, courage, and commitment in all our endeavors and through every event we host under the SSGT Darin Taylor Hoover Memorial. The scholarship fund will be awarded to students who portray these values in their educational pursuits and daily lives.

Get to Know SSGT Taylor Hoover

‘This is the day our boat caught fire and he jumped in the water and tied a rope from the boat to him and swam us to the dock. A beast!!” - Taylor’s mom, Kelly Barnett

“His love Bella. She died last year”. 2022- Taylor’s mom, Kelly Barnett

“he had just gotten back from Afghanistan for his first deployment and he wanted to go to the beach and see the ocean and relax for the first time!”- Taylor’s Sister, Allyson Summers

“Raelynn’s first time visiting her “uncle bubba”! He was the first one to put her in the sand and in the ocean. He loved his nieces very much! His mom, sisters, and nieces are what motivated him at Abbey Gate” - Taylor’s Sister- Tori Manning