An Angel of Kabul: Honoring SSGT Taylor Hoover

Jeremy Soto, host of Junto Podcast was joined by Taylor’s mom, Kelly Barnett, who also happens to be Jeremy’s sister-in-law. Our lives were forever changed on August 26, 2021, in what will easily be a day etched in the minds and hearts of those that hold this country near and dear to their hearts. This is the day that we lost not only an American Hero, but a Marine that had always been a hero to us. On this day, SSGT Darin Taylor Hoover, along with 12 other American Patriots, was called home after selflessly serving his Marine brothers, the American People, and the people of Afghanistan. Learn about the life of Taylor and what inspired him to become a Marine and hear the stories surrounding his multiple deployments to Afghanistan and other locations. Hear of his courage and bravery, but also his everyday life of just being a loved son and big brother. Although the events surrounding his time in Kabul leading up to August 26th can be described as sloppy, at best, we know that his sacrifice will not be in vain. Please help us honor his memory by learning about the life of this selfless Marine and American Hero, Taylor Hoover. **Some of this content is raw, but depicts what life as a marine is like. As always, we keep it 100% real** Donations can be made to the SGGT. Darin Taylor Hoover Memorial Scholarship at